Please join us for Mass at 8:00 am on Sundays or stream our services on :
You are personally invited
Welcome to St. Barnabas Anglican Church! We are so thankful that you have been led to our website and hope that you find it helpful. We are a community of believers dedicated to building up the kingdom of God In Western Waukesha County. In July of 2016, after much prayer and discernment, a group of about 30 people gathered to share in the Eucharist and launch a congregation rooted in scripture, missional in our approach to our community and compassionate to all of God's children.
Our patron saint is known as the "son of encouragement." We feel called to carry on his legacy in all that we do reaching out to a broken world with the saving love of Jesus Christ. We come together to know God through His Word in the Scriptures and to experience Jesus Christ in the sacrament of His body and blood. Once nurtured by this experience, we journey out into the world to live into the promises we made in baptism. It is my prayer that you will choose to begin your journey with us. Sunday Worship Services are at 8:00 am. Please join us. If you wish, contact me directly so that we can get to know one another. Please submit your prayer requests in our contact form. Blessings, |